How To Increase Your Drinking Tolerance So You Don’t Make an Ass of Yourself at a Holiday Party

Posted On: September 27, 2021
Studio: Sober living

The general effectiveness of synaptic transmission is affected in the brain, which can cause further damages that bring about withdrawal symptoms and other physical and mental problems. If at any time during this process you begin to develop unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, insomnia, or seizures, it is important to consult your doctor right away. Such symptoms indicate that physical dependence on alcohol has formed, and it is necessary to participate in a formal detox program to ensure your safety. Addiction is the most difficult response to substance use to deal with.

  • With time, however, that dosage amount no longer gives you the same results.
  • Increasing one’s alcohol intake gradually over time is one method of building tolerance to alcohol.
  • However, high tolerance doesn’t protect against alcohol’s harmful effects on the body and can increase the risk of alcohol-related health problems.
  • The relationship between alcohol use and mental health is complex and bidirectional.

How to lower your child’s chances of drinking

High alcohol tolerance often correlates with increased consumption, which can lead to severe health problems. Two major areas of concern are liver damage and cardiovascular risks. Understanding your personal tolerance level is essential for making informed decisions about alcohol consumption. If you suspect you have low alcohol tolerance, it’s crucial to adjust your drinking habits accordingly and always prioritize safety.

Cultural attitudes towards alcohol and drinking behaviors can interact with genetic predispositions. In some cultures where drinking is more accepted or even encouraged, individuals with genetic variants that increase tolerance might be more likely to engage in heavy drinking. Conversely, in cultures where alcohol use is discouraged, the same genetic variants might have less influence on drinking behavior. For instance, chronic alcohol use can lead to epigenetic changes that alter the expression of genes involved in alcohol metabolism and brain function.

However, the more significant and lasting forms of tolerance typically develop over longer periods of regular drinking. These adaptations allow the brain to function more normally in the presence of alcohol, but they also contribute to the development of tolerance and can increase the risk of dependence. However, it’s important to note that hereditary predisposition doesn’t guarantee high tolerance or problematic drinking. Environmental factors, personal choices, and other genetic influences all play roles in determining an individual’s relationship with alcohol.

how to build alcohol tolerance

How To Increase Your Drinking Tolerance (So You Don’t Make an Ass of Yourself at a Holiday Party)

Take the free Drinking Check to understand more about how much alcohol you’re drinking and receive personalised results and guidance on how to cut back if you need to. The decline in alcohol tolerance is not a sudden change but a gradual process that typically begins in middle age and becomes more pronounced in later years. This metabolic slowdown means that alcohol remains in an older person’s system for a longer period, prolonging its effects and increasing the risk of intoxication even with moderate consumption.

  • Our team does their best for our readers to help them stay informed about vital healthcare decisions.
  • Dependence develops after tolerance and often before addiction, though it is not always a precursor to it.
  • Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates help slow the process of getting drunk.
  • Even if you don’t develop alcohol dependence, several effects of drinking can wreak havoc on your mind and body.
  • Some people, by nature, lack the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which leads to an excess of acetaldehyde in the blood.

Have you ever seen someone who chugs down bottles of alcohol without showing the tiniest signs that they’re getting drunk? The impact on the immune system is particularly concerning in the context of global health challenges, where a robust immune response is crucial for individual and public health. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. But when the semester begins and you go to a party where there is no beer, your body will respond to the change. Instead of a bonfire, it’s a pool party, and instead of beer, you try another type of alcohol. If you have been a frequent user of alcohol, you may need to have a physical and consult with a physician about the possibility of experiencing withdrawal symptoms while abstaining from alcohol.

However, other factors will also affect the alcoholic feature of the beverage. Generally, darker drinks contain more congeners than clear drinks. Congener refers to the chemicals present within the alcohol that runs through your stomach and veins. This causes the headaches you experience, so when your drink has more congeners, you will feel dizzier. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that responsible drinking should always be a top concern and that drinking too much alcohol may seriously harm your health and safety.


Alcohol tolerance is a person’s resistance to the intoxicating effects of alcohol. High alcohol tolerance suggests that you can consume more alcoholic beverages without appearing drunk. To reduce alcohol tolerance, a person needs to reduce the amount of booze one drinks.

Eventually, such high quantities damage the liver, impeding its ability to produce the enzymes needed to break down alcohol. This phenomenon is known as reverse alcohol tolerance, and it can lead to alcoholics becoming drunk on tiny quantities of alcohol. Reverse alcohol tolerance is a critical state for the liver and can lead to other health complications. However, your body is highly adaptable; it can adjust to regular heavy drinking. Your nervous system communicates through inhibitory and excitatory chemicals. GABA is an inhibitory chemical that slows down activity when it’s time to rest and relax.

Signs of High Alcohol Tolerance

This adaptation can sneak up on you, bringing both short-term social perks and long-term health risks. By the time a person reaches their 80s, their body water content may have dropped to around 50%. This reduction means that the same amount of alcohol consumed will result in a higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in an older adult compared to a younger person of the same weight. The genes that process alcohol (ADH and ALDH) have been linked to alcohol addiction. This means that specific combinations of ADH and ALDH gene variants can influence not just tolerance, but also the likelihood of developing alcohol dependence. The link between genetics and alcohol use disorders (AUDs) is an area of intense research.

how to build alcohol tolerance

Different Factors

The majority of Asians don’t have ADH and thus cannot metabolize alcohol. Some enzymes are present that can metabolize the substance, but at a prolonged rate, and they cannot compensate for the ADH deficiency. Thus Asians tend to get drunk a lot faster than Americans or Europeans. The difference is so dramatic that if an Asian person with ADH deficiency consumes the average amount consumed by people in the West, they might develop an alcohol flush reaction. This response causes red blotches to appear on the skin or face and back, and sometimes the whole body due to the accumulation of acetaldehyde that cannot be metabolized.

If you have a developed an alcohol tolerance that you are ready to address, there are safe ways to lower it. When you’re whizzing like a donkey every ten minutes, you aren’t just losing water, you’re losing some important nutrients. Depletion of these nutrients can lead to hangover symptoms kicking in while you’re still at the party, dramatically decreasing your drinking abilities and social skills.

how to build alcohol tolerance

While no single “alcoholism gene” exists, certain genetic variations can increase the risk of developing AUDs. The speed at which the body processes alcohol is a key factor in determining alcohol tolerance. This rate can vary significantly between individuals and is influenced by several A Guide To Sober House Rules: What You Need To Know factors. Functional tolerance refers to the brain’s ability to maintain normal function despite the presence of alcohol.

Tolerance and the Predisposition to Alcoholism

You might get out of control and behave madly, shout or even burst out of anger unnecessarily. Thus, drinking too much alcohol or having more than you can control can potentially ruin your reputation with others. It is tempting to add soft drinks with your alcohol to reduce its effect, but this is a rookie’s mistake and is the last thing you should do at a party.