How To Fill Out a Receipt Book: A Complete Guide

Posted On: July 12, 2022
Studio: Bookkeeping

how to fill out a receipt book

Although there are chances for errors, they are avoidable. For example, the price per unit of a dining chair is $50. You’ve sold 4 chairs, making the total cost $200.

Tips for Filling Out a Receipt Template

For the carbon copy, you could store it within the book to prevent misplacement. If you don’t have your company name, address, and company phone number pre-printed on the receipts in the book, make sure to include this information on the receipt. You can also include the same details about the customer.

Mastering the Basics – Filling Out a Receipt Book in 7 Steps

how to fill out a receipt book

It is the go-to solution for small businesses seeking a customized receipt management solution. Our AI & OCR-driven platform seamlessly finds all your receipts in the organization’s email accounts, organizes them, and ensures they are sorted and stored for easy access. Therefore, meticulous attention to this step in the receipt-filling process is instrumental in fostering customer trust, operational efficiency, and informed business strategies.

How to Fill Out a Receipt Book

One copy should go to the customer, and the other should stay in the book for your records. This helps you track business expenses and sales, and it also provides the customer with a proof of purchase. Carbonless receipt books are great for this purpose as they automatically create a duplicate copy of each receipt. Did you know, not keeping proper records can get you in trouble?

While generating a receipt, make sure you highlight the date of payment received and the paid amount. By doing so, it would be easier to grab a person’s attention while reading a receipt. This will help accountants collect data efficiently at the time of filing a tax return. In addition to that, it will help generate financial reports as you can easily pick up the mentioned date and amount. If you’re going to track transactions, then you need unique identifiers on each receipt. As a part of your receipt template, make sure you include a receipt number and a space for the date somewhere on the receipt.

Step 5:  Applicable Taxes or Fees

Today’s date goes at the top of the receipt. Each receipt in your book should have a unique number. If they have a question, they can refer to the receipt number.

Step 7. Add taxes, additional charges, and the grand total

So, always remember to fill out your receipt book correctly. Well, for starters, they keep track of business expenses. Without a receipt book, how would you remember all the details?

how to fill out a receipt book

Multiply the extended price by the number of units and include the item total in the next column. If you make a mistake on the receipt, then you may need to issue a completely new receipt. It means you need to regenerate the receipt from scratch.

  • This is usually written at the top right section.
  • They’ll save you time and help your business run like a well-oiled machine.
  • That’s why Invoice Simple’s software is here to help.
  • If you don’t have your company name, address, and company phone number pre-printed on the receipts in the book, make sure to include this information on the receipt.
  • Here’s how to use a receipt book for easier recordkeeping and more customer trust.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a freelancer, keeping track of the products and services you sell is essential. Digital receipt book solutions include various apps and software that can generate electronic receipts, monitor business expenses, and even produce paper copies for records. If you’re using a carbonless receipt book, make sure to apply enough pressure when signing to ensure a clear duplicate on the subsequent page. With the receipt completed and signed, you can now provide your customer with a copy while retaining the original in your receipt book for accurate record-keeping. The initial step in filling out a receipt book involves entering the date and receipt number.